Billing Policies

Billing & Collection Procedures

The Town of Round Hill bills customers monthly for water and sewer services.

Any discrepancies or problems with a water and sewer bill should be addressed by calling 540-338-4772, ext. #2 immediately, but no later than 10 days after the date of the bill. This includes requesting leak adjustments on a bill.

Payments are due on the 5th of the month.

A 6% late fee will be applied the next day after the bill is due (ex. April 6th).

All customers with delinquent balances at fifty (50) days from the bill date will have their water service disconnected if not paid by 4:30 PM the day prior to the CUT-OFF date on the bill. A notice will be posted on the door at the time of disconnect. Upon disconnection, payment in full and a $125.00 re-connect fee will be required. If payment is paid after business hours water will not be turned back on until the next business morning.

Please Note:

  1. The Town of Round Hill does not estimate bills unless inclement weather conditions prevent actual readings.
  2. The water/sewer rates and all fees are set periodically by the Town Council. A copy of the fees can be found on our website: Revised FY2025 Fees, Charges & Tax Rate Schedule or may be requested at the Town Office.