Planning & Zoning

About Us

The Town of Round Hill has jurisdiction of planning and zoning within its Town limits. The Planning & Zoning Department is responsible for the maintenance and enforcement of the zoning ordinance. The Department is also responsible for current planning issues such as: rezoning, special use permits, commercial site plan review, land development applications (decks, additions, etc.), sign permits, and subdivision plats. The Zoning Administrator serves as staff to the Planning Commission, which is an advisory board to the Town Council. All re-zonings are subject to approval by the Town Council.


If you have any questions regarding planning, zoning, or the zoning ordinance, please contact Planning, Land Development, and Zoning at (540) 338-7878.


If you wish to file a zoning-related complaint, please mail or hand deliver the Zoning Complaint Form completed form to: Town of Round Hill, 23 Main Street, P.O. Box 36, Round Hill, VA 20142.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Melissa Hynes Zoning Administrator (540) 338-7878
Liz Ricketts Town Planner (540) 338-7878